Our unique format ensures every team gets a chance to shine.
Our heritage for Rugby 7’s in UK is immense with awesome prizes and entertainment.
Whether you represent a local club or pub, in the forces or a travelling international side,
join us for a thrilling day of rugby action.
What to expect:
Camping available overnight on Friday 12th July with WC/Shower facilities and Bar open till midnight.
Saturday brings all the mayhem of rugby sevens with a fabulous family friendly atmosphere.
Live music, bars, hot tubs, food, fun rides for kids and adults!
REGISTER NOW FOR £100 (£150 from 1st May).
We are using Ticket Tailor to support our ticketing and entry process.
CLICK HERE to be taken to Ticket Tailor
On the Ticket Tailor page please select the appropriate ticket option for your purpose.
Thank you to all teams, officials, organisers, volunteers and spectators who attended the 2023 National Pub and Hen Sevens. We look forward to seeing you all again on 13 July 2024.
2023 Photos : 2023 Competitions courtesy Leo Wilkinson.